Piano Online Face-to-Face Lessons Modality


WKMT is one of the most successful piano studios based in London since 2010. It provides a sequenced system of learning through tailored-designed syllabi matching the standards of the most acclaimed European Conservatoires

Learning Outcomes

1- Adopt a suitable position of the body towards the instrument.

2- Develop progressive independence of hands and fingers.

3- Gradually acquire a degree of technical development to address the different styles of piano writing through an eclectic choice of repertoire.

4- Develop correct fingering techniques, taking into account the representation of the music sheet, and the most suitable position and action of the hand through the five movements of the Scaramuzza technique.

5- Acquire the degree of concentration necessary to gain active listening while doing a conscious performance.

6- Get used to having great respect for the text and faithfully grasp its message.

7- Acquire personal musical criteria, regardless of the teacher.

8- Improve the self-listening, developing of a self-critical sense and maintaining the necessary discipline and regularity at work with the utmost respect for the full content of the score.

9- Practice the different types of memory: analytical, visual, auditory, muscular and rhythmic, in works of difficulty corresponding to their level.

10- Develop correct and productive habits that will help to achieve an efficient learning method.

11- Completion of a repertoire covering different periods and styles selected by the degree of difficulty of the works and appropriate to their level.

12- Performing publicly with the necessary self-confidence to understand the role communicative of musical performance, acquiring security and maturity in these events through our biannual festivals.

13- Develop musical sensitivity through the interpretation and enjoyment of the music of the different times, genres and styles, to enrich the possibilities of communication and personal fulfilment.



  • The learning process foundation: development of correct and efficient study habits that stimulate concentration, a sense of self-criticism and discipline in their daily routine.
  • Report system: the report system provided by WKMT teachers is a malleable process through which any teacher of WKMT team can quickly assess or re-assess the student’s progress, allowing the tutor to efficiently resume the teaching dynamic of the student and work accordingly. 
  • Study Plan: The elaboration of a designed study programme tailored to the student’s skills and needs. Within it, the setting of specific goals in the short-term will be thoroughly delineated.
  • Complete Online Course: WKMT offers a functional website, Learnmusic.eu is an interactive syllabus that tracks the goals pursued by beginner piano students at WKMT. The whole idea behind it is to ensure all the topics are delivered in the way and fashion our signature approach requires.
  • Although each teacher will have enough freedom to add his or her input, this website ensures all topics are ordered smoothly and progressively.
  • WKMT Piano Student Festivals: They represent the essential chance our piano students have to portray the product of their continuous efforts preparing their pieces.
  • The festivals happen in the same venues as the professional concerts.
  • These events are recorded in audio and video, and the material is used to allow the students to watch themselves and draw out conclusions along with their teachers. These videos are the most powerful educational tool. 
  • WKMT Masterclasses: Special classes delivered by our high-profile tutors hosted only for active students. They can be joined online or physically in the London studio. Our masterclasses are focused on developing our students’ understanding of the Scaramuzza piano technique.
  • The whole idea behind these events is to allow students to adopt a third party position in the learning process. They assist the masterclass (either online or physically) to observe their colleagues or peers while the maestro helps them. Therefore, students can fantasize about how they would answer to the same stimuli.



  1. Relaxation: development of the internal perception of relaxation itself, as well as the essential muscular efforts required by piano performance, always trying to find a satisfactory balance between both factors, thus laying the foundations for a conscious use of the weight of the arm, fundamental in the Scaramuzza technique.


  1. The five movements of the technique: planning of the technical work, taking into account the finger, forearm, arm, wrist and rotation movements and all the combinatorics that they allow.


  1. Memory: permanent and progressive training of musical memory through the “Memorisation and dislocation” process.


  1. Musical styles in piano literature: formation of a comprehensive repertoire of the different piano styles, from the Baroque to the present day.


  1. Musical forms: introduction to understanding musical structures at different levels, motifs, themes, periods, phrases, sections, etc .; to get through it to a conscious and not merely intuitive interpretation. These concepts can be acquired through our free lessons streamed online either by Juan Rezzuto or Gisela Paterno within WKMT website and can be complemented with Harmony and Counterpoint free streamed online sessions.


  1. Dynamics: the study of the different levels of intensity that the instrument allows and its gradation. The ability to produce various dynamic or sonic planes inherent in the piano, whether it is the melody/accompaniment relationship, or contrapuntal approaches.


  1. Agogics: the study of “tempo” and hypermetrical beats. 


  1. The ornamentation: the study of the basic principles of ornamentation in different styles.



Assessment procedures 

  1. The evaluation will be continuous, valuing the daily effort, the

students’ progressive learning capacity, compliance for indications made by the teacher and their application.

  1. Besides, throughout the course, other procedures will also be used evaluation points such as specific controls, internal auditions,

biannual festivals and any other activity proposed by the teacher in charge of the lesson.


Evaluation criteria

The degree of ability with which the student:

  1. Adopt a correct and natural position of the body before the piano.
  2. Play from memory with security and solvency.
  3. Shows a relaxed attitude in the interpretation and focus during the performance.
  4. Follows the fingerings indicated in the score or proposed by the teacher.
  5. Differentiate clearly between different voices, accompaniments or melodic designs from each hand.
  6. The learning of the pieces by heart showing self-control and mastery of the work studied before during a live performance or exam.

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